About Me

Sharing our classroom, wonder and inquiry throughout the day. I hope this blog will give a little peek into our classroom and what we are discovering and wondering about in Kindergarten. Please check back regularly for posts, pictures and class information.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Mrs.Martins and Ms. Campolieti's Class

Our class has been discussing Autumn and the changes of the season. We will be starting an inquiry. We will be documenting the children's observations and answering their questions about the world around them. This will correspond with our trip to Andrew's Scenic Acres in October. Please feel free to take nature walks with your children and pick up leaves, twigs, pine cones, etc to add to our collection. Thank you.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Reading Folders - Mrs. Lau and Mrs. Andrade

Dear Parents,  

We have started our home reading program and you will find either a blue or green folder in your child's mailbag with a poem or book to read. These folders will be sent home every Monday. We ask that you help your child practice reading each night and return the folder back to school on Friday. On Fridays, the children are encouraged to read their book or poem during our morning circle and they look forward to sharing their reading skills with us.

Thank you for your continued support and collaboration in your child's learning,

Mrs. Lau and Mrs. Andrade

Kindergarten Curriculum

Please follow the link below to familiarize yourself with the Full Day Kindergarten curriculum.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Our First Field Trip Is Booked!!!

We have booked our first field trip to Andrews' Scenic Acre for Friday October 18th!

A permission form and more information will be coming home with your child at the end of the month.  

Here is a link for you to cehck out in advance:

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Inquiry in the Classroom - Mrs. Lau and Mrs. Andrade

Over the first two weeks, we have been observing and listening to the children during play. We have noticed an interest in bugs, boats and trains. To further the children's interest and wonder, we will be providing some material to provoke and extend their thinking. Stay tuned to see more about our inquiry in the classroom.


Hello and welcome to our very first blog and our very first post!
 We hope this blog will give a little peek into our classrooms and what we are discovering and wondering about in Kindergarten. Please check back regularly for posts, pictures and class information.