Our class has been exploring different ways to communicate. We learned that some people communicate through their hands - sign language.
The pinky finger is the "I" as in I Love You!
The thumb and index finger make the "L" for love.
The pinky finger and the thumb , along with the wrist make the "Y" for you.
Our class looked at the traditional heart shape that is so often used during the month of February. We have discovered that the heart in our body look quite different.
We have discovered that the heart is a muscle that pumps blood in our body. We have to take care of our hearts and our bodies. We brainstormed some ways to do this, like exercising, brushing our teeth and eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. We decided to make a fruit salad as a class.
The children were very excited to help pick out the fruit and we even added bananas to our fruit salad!
The following week, we spent the morning making our fruit salad. The children helped cut the fruit. We discussed what fruits we liked the best and how excited we were to eat our fruit salad for snack.
Some of the children expressed that they did not like fruit salad. I encouraged them to try it...and they did! We can say ALL the children tried the fruit salad and, for the most part, ate all the different fruits.
To promote healthy living and eating, we are encouraging the children to have either a fruit or a vegetable for morning snack. We are recording the information on a graph to see how many fruits and vegetables we eat at morning snack for the next month. So far, fruit is winning!
Look for an information package about healthy eating in your child`s mailbag.
Dear Ms Lau and Ms Andrade, I have spent the last hour, reading your blog and I have to say I'm impressed! Thanks so much for keeping such a great diary. I have loved to look at the pictures and read about the activities you have done up to now. Sorry if it took me so long to dedicate some time to your blog. But please keep on doing it because it is a great way to make parents aware of what is happening in class. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the field trip to the museum.... Have fun Tomorrow! Alessandra (Edo's mom)