About Me

Sharing our classroom, wonder and inquiry throughout the day. I hope this blog will give a little peek into our classroom and what we are discovering and wondering about in Kindergarten. Please check back regularly for posts, pictures and class information.

Friday 23 May 2014

Our Trip To High Park

Unfortunately the weather was unpredictable today, so therefore we have decided to cancel our trip to High Park Children's Garden. Hopefully we can arrange another dater to go. We will keep you posted. Thank you, The Kindergarten Team

Thursday 15 May 2014

Mrs. Lau and Mrs. Andrade's Kindergarten Wormery

Dear Parents,

We are very interested in worms. We have seen some worms outside on our track after it has rained. We would like to learn more about worms. We have decided to have a WORMERY!!! (A Wromery is another word for worm farm.)

For Our Wormery, we need:

-A clear plastic box with holes in the lid
-A tray for under the box
-Coffee Grinds
-Egg Shells
-A sign

If you have any of these items at home and would like to donate them to our class, please send them in with your child tomorrow.

 Thank you,
 The Kindergarten Class

Monday 21 April 2014

Happy Easter

                                  Wishing all our families a wonderful Easter!


Thursday 27 March 2014

The Importance of Oral Communication in Kindergarten

Dear Parents,

Please take a moment and look over the importance of oral communication in the early years as outlined in the Kindergarten program. Follow the link to find some communication tips and examples to use with your children.

Building on Oral Language
Although children develop skills in reading, writing, and oral language (listening and speaking) from an early age, oral language must be the foundation of literacy development in the Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten program. Through experience with oral language, children develop the ability to identify and manipulate phonemes (phonemic awareness), build vocabulary, develop awareness of meaning (semantic knowledge), and develop awareness of language structure (syntactic knowledge), and thus develop the foundations for reading and writing. Proficiencyin oral language is critical to the success of literacy development. The EL–K team can guide oral language development by listening attentively to and observing children’s responses and interactions, by providing models of richer responses to guide children’s thinking, and by introducing new vocabulary. Although oral language is the focus of early language learning, reading and writing need to be taught and developed at the same time, so that children can make connections between what they hear, say, read, and write. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing are all interrelated, and development in one area supports development
in all the others.

(Full Day Early Learning Kindergarten Program 2010-2011 pg. 68)

 Message In a Backpack: Listen, Talk, Answer - Support Your Child's Learning

 Thank you,

Mrs. Lau and Mrs. Andrade

Monday 24 March 2014

Mrs. Lau and Mrs. Andrade's Class

We Are Artists
Mixing Colours Experiment

In October, we read a story called
Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni.

During the story, we asked the children to predict what would happen when Little Blue and Little Yellow hugged.

These are some of the predictions:

“They will be happy.”  ~  Edoardo

“They will turn green.” ~  Christian

“They will mush together.” ~  Tony

When you mix blue and yellow together, you make green!

We decided to try and create other colours by mixing paint together. We also used the overhead projector and coloured paddles to help us decide which colour to try next.

We found that:
 blue and red make purple
white and red make pink
yellow and red make orange

On Monday March 17th, we read a story called Sky Colour by Peter H. Reynolds.

 This story is about a little girl named Marisol who loves to paint. So when her teacher asks her to help make a mural for the school library, she can’t wait to begin! But how can Marisol make a sky without blue paint?

We asked the children: What colour is the sky?
This is what they said.

 While reading this story, it reminded us of the colour mixing and the book we read in October. We revisited our documentation to remind us how to mix colours.

We then asked the children: What colours mixed together make blue?

The children came up with some predictions and we tested our theories over the next two days. We discovered that white makes a colour lighter and black makes a colour darker. We used the paint we made to make some interesting paintings.

Natalia – My Daddy’s work truck.

Noah – I was mixing the colours.

Veronica – I made the sun. I made a rainbow. It’s raining.

Deana – I made a truck. It can drive when my Dad sits. It can drive when you put your seatbelt on.

 On Wednesday, we decided to look on the internet to see if we could find the answer to our question. This is what we learned.

It’s easy to mix paints to make new colours. You can use the primary colours (red, blue and yellow) plus black and white to get all the colours of the rainbow.

 Red, yellow and blue are primary colours. Primary colours are the most basic colours. You can’t make them by mixing other colours.


So, we can’t make the colour blue!

You can’t make red, blue or yellow, but you could use those colours to make other colours.

Red, blue and yellow paint were put out at the art studio and the children created some paintings. 

 Alicia – It’s oysters that live in the water and eat soap. I used yellow, blue and red to make it. To make purple, I used red and blue. For green, blue and yellow. Red and yellow to get orange. Red and yellow made brown.

Natalia – I made a little girl. I used red, blue and yellow. When I mixed the red and blue and it made purple. I used blue and yellow and red to make a different colour.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Welcome Back

Welcome back to school. We hope you all had a fantastic March Break!
Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day and we are all encouraged to wear green to recognize the day.
 See you all tomorrow!

Fun Friday at The ROM ~ February 28th


Monday 24 February 2014

February: What`s Happening In Mrs. Lau and Mrs. Andrade`s Kindergarten Class

Happy Valentine's Day

Our class has been exploring different ways to communicate. We learned that some people communicate through their hands - sign language.

I Love You

The pinky finger is the "I" as in I Love You!
The thumb and index finger make the "L" for love.
The pinky finger and the thumb , along with the wrist make the "Y" for you.

Our class looked at the traditional heart shape that is so often used during the month of February. We have discovered that the heart in our body look quite different.


We have discovered that the heart is a muscle that pumps blood in our body. We have to take care of our hearts and our bodies. We brainstormed some ways to do this, like exercising, brushing our teeth and eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. We decided to make a fruit salad as a class.

We brainstormed some fruits we could use to make a healthy fruit salad.

We decided to take a trip to No Frills as a class to buy some fruit to make our fruit salad.

The children were very excited to help pick out the fruit and we even added bananas to our fruit salad!

The following week, we spent the morning making our fruit salad. The children helped cut the fruit. We discussed what fruits we liked the best and how excited we were to eat our fruit salad for snack.

Some of the children expressed that they did not like fruit salad. I encouraged them to try it...and they did! We can say ALL the children tried the fruit salad and, for the most part, ate all the different fruits.

To promote healthy living and eating, we are encouraging the children to have either a fruit or a vegetable for morning snack. We are recording the information on a graph to see how many fruits and vegetables we eat at morning snack for the next month. So far, fruit is winning!

Look for an information package about healthy eating in your child`s mailbag.